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A Call to Serve: Roll Up Your Sleeve

Help your health care team keep your records current

COVID-19 has affected so many of us in unique ways. We have lost too many former brothers and sisters in arms, family members, and friends over the last year. It's time for this pandemic to be over, and we need your help. Our greatest hope in defeating this deadly virus is for each of us to get vaccinated as soon as possible. The three vaccines available in the U.S. have been extensively studied and are proven to be safe and effective. Each of us is safer as more in our community are vaccinated.

If you're still unsure of the safety of the vaccine, please discuss it with your health care team or learn about other Veterans’ vaccine decisions.

Getting vaccinated is important for your health, and for those around you. Updating your health record with critical vaccination information will help us serve all Veterans.

If you've been vaccinated

If you received your vaccine outside of VA, remember to update your VA health record. Keep your doctor up-to-date by sending a Secure Message (sign in with Premium account required). If you can, attach a scanned image or a smartphone photograph of your vaccine card. Include the front and back. Make sure the following is easy to read:

  • The type of vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, or Janssen/Johnson & Johnson)

  • Where you got it

  • The date(s) of your vaccine

Self-entered vaccine information

You might have already entered your vaccine record in the My HealtheVet Health History immunization section of your account. That information is only available to you. You’ll still need to tell your health care team directly by phone or Secure Message.

Finding your vaccine record

After you tell your health care team, you’ll find the record in ‘VA Immunizations’ in your Blue Button report within a day or two. If you got the vaccine at a VA medical center, your vaccine information is already in your VA medical records.

If you’re not yet a My HealtheVet user

You should always tell your health care team about any vaccinations so they can update your record. This would be a good time to register for a Premium account that can give you online access to Rx Refills, Secure Messaging, Labs + Tests results, and other valuable tools.

Most important: get vaccinated to protect yourself and people around you. Next, you can help VA assist more Veterans when your vaccine records are up-to-date.