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Medications: Play It Safe

play it safe medications

Too often, you go to the Doctors and are put on one more pill. Ever stop and wonder, "What are all these pills for?" "What happens if you stop a pill or maybe add one extra?" In fact, getting answers to these questions could save your life.

Here you will learn how to get the most out of your medications while keeping safe. Problems with medications can happen when you and your providers do not talk with each other. We are going to help you communicate and ask questions of your healthcare team. You may even learn more about your medications, your health problems, and how to live a healthier lifestyle. We also have tools to help you keep track of your medications as well as other healthcare information. Here is what you can do to "Play it safe!" with your medications. Getting Started

Get Ready: The basic information you need to Play it Safe with medication

Self-Management: Understand and track your progress through use of various health tools

Support and Encouragement: Personal Success Stories in medication safety

Caregiver Information: Resources and when to get additional help

Related Topics: Patient Safety, Complementary Medications, and Clinical Trials

A list of terms used in the Play it Safe Center is available to define the meaning of words underlined in the text.

Updated May 2011
Clinical Advisory Board Sponsor: Rose Mary Pries, PhD
Clinical Subject Matter Experts: Maureen Layden, MD, MPH; Eric Spahn, PharmD
Patient Education Subject Matter Experts: Kathy Horvath, PhD